I'm not talking about the Reform Party. I'm talking about electoral reform. We are becoming a MINORITY rules country. When we should be a MAJORITY rules country. Isn't that what democracy is all about. Now That doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to the minority, they have alot to say. However the needs of the many should outweigh the needs of the few. A prime example of this problem goes back to the last Canadian election. 500,000 Canadians voted for the Green Party, yet they got 0 seats in the house. Where as; 200,000+ Canadians in the maritimes voted for the Liberal Party and they received 22 seats in the house. So the real question should be; Are Canadians being fairly represented in the House of Commons? The answer is no.
Another thing Canadians need is an elected senate. The Prime Minister should not appoint the Senators. Each Province should vote for their Senators, to properly represent their province and their ideals. Instead our Prime Minister appoints his friends to tow the party line. Again, another example of how Canadians aren't being represented.
Will Canada ever change? ...maybe, but the way our socialists control the country it will be a long time before that happens. By the time the USA changes, if ever, Canada will follow suit. The socialists have such a tight grip on the political scene right now. It's going to take along time before anything happens. They're very good at controlling the media, well our National media is already left-wing bias, so it's very easy to do.
The fear propaganda that our socialists spew is exactly what the Republicans to our south use. It's too bad our Eastern Canadians fall for this. It's quite funny when you think about it. The Left wing/socialists will bitch and complain how the Republicans confuse and use scare tactics to win an election, but applaud it when it serves their own purpose. Unfortunately it makes our country look like a joke. On the global scene, most people think Canadians are just like the Americans. We say we aren't, but we are more like them than you'd think.
Let's hope we can fix this country before it's too late. If the proper steps aren't taken, eventually Quebec will seperate and Alberta could very well follow. Then Canada will be a shell of it's former self. What am I thinking, Canada won't exist. Just lots of mini countries. Some provinces will combine. I'm sure the maritimes will stick together. Only time will tell.
Friday, June 24, 2005
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Good Lord Clawmonkey? When did you start channeling Karl Rove? Socialists control the nation...Duh we're a Social Democracy. Leftists control the Media? Good Lord meth IS bad! National Post...Conrad Black, very liberal guy, oh and that damn hippy Asper clan that run Global, Canoe and Canwest media,very socialist. Let's not forget the Chain of Sun Newspapers...goddamn pinkos. CTV and the globe and mail are very centerist ..like the Liberal party...which by the way is not very liberal. Socially moderately left, economically very capitalist. The only left leaning news outlet in Canada is the CBC,( honorable mention to the Toronto Star) Because unlike every other media outlet it isn't owned by a millionaire trying to push his own views.
There is so much more I can say in regards to your little Steven Harper pamphlet that this post might have been copied from, but I have to go listen to Joni Mitchell, change into my hemp shorts and water my organic garden.
Man I'm a condecending dick when I,m Drinking. Sorry Monkey...Good post though! good my blood pumping!
I should of been more specific instead of using a generic term like media. I was referring to CBC. The newspapers are OK. Some lean left some lean right. But they all have a mix of different viewpoints.
The other term that I have an issue with is "socialists" I assume when you are talking about the sway they hold over the country I assume that you are talking about the Liberal Party of Canada. In my opinion, being somewhat of a socialist myself, the Liberal Party are anything but socialist. Socialism is defined as; Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy. This sort of happens in Canada except the means of production are controled by private individuals, many of whom also control the government.Paul Martin, the Shipping Magnate as well as the Prime Minister is, Like Steven Harper, a Free Market Capitalist.Being Free Market Capitalists The Conservative and Liberal Parties Economically speaking, are virtually the same thing. Recall during the first unveiling of the 2005 Budget, Mr. Harper gave the budget a thumbs up and called it a conservative budget. The Major reason for this was the proposed corperate tax cuts that MR. Goodale included.
Now the Socialists on the other hand would be the NDP who hold a paltry 19 seats out of 308. They pledged to support the Liberals only if they took this tax money that would be spent on rebates for Private Companies,was spent on social services...namely housing, educattion, and social services for cities. It worked Ironically because the liberals screwed the taxpayers and gave money to their "friend" companies, More companies got screwed out of their tax breaks and the money went to taxpayers. Kinda makes sense in a Karmic Justice sort of way. However it was a rare victory for the true socialists of Canada.
All and all The Liberals (135 seats) and the Conservatives (99 seats) pretty much ensure that Capitalists hold unfettered control of the Government. So be assured that no matter How stupid you think the government is acting, somewhere there is a CEO smiling at the decision. Have you ever heard the term " the Devil's greatest achievement was convincing us he didn't exist"?
Well Capitalism greatest achievement was convincing us that we have a choice in our elected leaders.
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