Well it's official, gay marriage is now a "legal" option in Canada. Becoming only the third country in the World to do so. Following the Netherlands and Belgium. I believe it was only a matter of time for Canada, as Great Britain is looking to do the same. The Progressive Conservatives in Alberta, (a province in Canada) don't agree with this decision. They are looking at getting rid of Provincial marriage all together and just recognizing civil unions between two people. If that does happen and you want to get "married" you'll have to go through a church.
Now I don't have anything against gays. I believe everyone should be free to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. As long as it doesn't affect anyone else without their consent. I just don't understand gay men. Lesbians? I would like to think I'm a lesbian as most guys do. However, how can any man look at a guy's hairy ass and get all excited and turned on. It boggles my mind. I would think they are mentally disturbed or mentally sick. But saying that I'm probably instantly labelled 'homophobic' or 'bigot'. Which I don't think I am. So I'm left confused.
Anyway; the World is changing and Canada must change with it. This bill or law will stay until the federal Conservatives get in power. Which they say they will have a full discussion about this issue instead of pushing it through Parliament with slimy tactics like the Liberals have done. But being as this is Canada that probably won't happen anytime in the near future. The religious right believes once we open the door to gay marriage then were opening up a whole new can of worms. Just think of the other groups that are going to find a way to get married. What about under age marriage? Say a 24 year old wants to marry a 16 year old. Are we to stop them because one's under 18? Doesn't that human being have a right to marry who ever he/she wants. If they're in love; who are we to stand in their way. The Bill of Rights gives rights to all Canadians young and old.
I would like to see a referendum on this issue for all Canadians to vote on. Simply because in a previous blog I had mentioned how Canadians aren't being properly represented in Parliament. Also, it's our society and we should decide as a majority, if we want this. I personally believe in gay unions; not gay marriage. I believe the term "marriage" should be reserved for a man and a woman. You got to think of the children.
What are your thoughts or comments? let me know
Stay tuned there are more posts coming!
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
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Well as expected I disagree with you. However I don't think your a bigot or a homophobe, you are just straight and don't understand how a man can love another man. I don't claim to understand it myself .It's because of this that I am sure that Homosexuality is the way that these people are born. I do not remember when I consciously chose to chase women...I just did. I'm sure it is the same for gays. Because I believe these folks are born the way they are, I feel it is not fair to deny them rights based on there biological make-up. Could you imagine the uproar if we chose to deny Blacks, or handicapped people the right to marry?
On a social note I think giving gays the right to marry shows Canada to be an INclusive Nation as opposed to an EXclusive nation. Church groups are up in arms but no one is forcing them to marry anyone they don't want to . Hell the Catholic Church still won't marry a Cathloic to a Jew so I don't expect them to start playing ABBA tunes and Fung Shueing the church.
Also ...what exactly was so slimy about the way the liberals handled this? I'm curious because it smacks of sour grapes...As I understand many liberals voted against this, and I know at least one Conservative ( Gerald Keddy) voted for it. Was it the extended parliment you didn't like? If the Conservatives didn't want to work into the summer mabye they shouldn't have walked out of parliment at noon for a couple of weeks while they tried to bring the government down. You just don't like the Liberals and your pissed off because they pretty much did every thing they wanted despite the minority because the know how to play the game. Don't hate the Playa' hate the game bro! If this session of parliment was a hockey fight, Paul Martin skated off the ice waving to the crowd and the conservative were pulling their own jersey off their head and looking for their chicklets on the ice.
Oh, just a follow up because in your post about Private health care you called Paul Martin a Hypocrite because he backs public health care and goes to a private clinic...Well from todays post vote report...
"...Harper made the promise one day after suggesting the adoption of the law lacked legitimacy because it relied on the support of the separatist Bloc Québécois. Harper said he believes Bloc MPs are the legitimate representatives of Quebec voters. But he argues most Canadians aren't buying it as a final decision since most federalist MPs are opposed to same-sex marriage."
Funny, he didn't mind the Bloc when they supported his motion for non-confidance on the budget.
Yes, some liberals voted against the bill and some conservatives voted for it. Also, 1 NDP'r voted against it. So she gets sent to the back of the house for not following the party. It seems like that's how the extreme left wing works. You can have your own opinion; as long as it agrees with their views. If you think differently you're outcast.
It wasn't the extended parliament I didn't like. Politicians should never take the summer off. As our society doesn't take the summer off. Maybe a week or 2. But, I didn't like their late night vote that they pushed through the house. I find it funny that when the Liberals push something through late at night it's simply "political procedure". However if the Conservatives were to do that. They would probably be ridiculed for having a hidden agenda and called extreme. Which the left-wing media would gobble up like a crack addict looking for another hit.
It's the same way the Liberals accused the Conservatives of working with separatists during the budget bill. That was all over the news. Now the separatists are on the Liberal side. Huh? Now, barely a mention of how our CANADIAN Federal government is working with separatists. The same government that said it would "unite" Canada, is working hand in hand with the very party that looks to split Canada.
Ironic? Nope, just the ass backwards way our political scene works up here.
What do you disagree with? Gays should be able to use the term "marriage". That's fine,that's you're opinion. I'm not going to label you because of your opinion or how you were raised. I don't believe that. Simply because that's how I was raised.
It's suppose to be a man and a woman.
A into B equals C
not; A into A equals,nope,adopts C.
Lumping handicapped people in with the Blacks implies the handicaps are a race of their own. They are not. Blacks can be handicapped too. I sense the right wing in you.
It's not about denying anyone anything. Which seems to get lost in the minds of the left side. It's all about the term and how our society views it and recognizes it. Marriage started as a Christian thing done in a church between a man and a woman. The ring on the finger symbolizes their bond and love for one another. It's our governments which choose to adopt it and take control of it. It really should only be recognized or utilized by the religious right. The rest of us (non-religious)should come up with our own way of recognizing the love between two people.
If the Gay and Lesbian community wish to start their own religious sector, go ahead. But I guess it's easier to take control of another instituiton and change it. It's how we white people work. We're pirates, so we pirated. Oh right the gays and lesbians only worship the chocolate starfish. (joke)
I don't think it's sour grapes but it could be. Like I've posted before Canada isn't represented properly in the Parliament and isn't a democracy suppose to be a majority rule. Maybe the Liberals have rewritten the rule book. Who knows? I would have no problem at all if we had a referendum and a majority of Canadians supported this. But it seems the left wing isn't interested in asking each individual Canadian their views. They'll give all our tax money to their friends, but spend some money on a referendum and ask each taxpaying Canadian what hey think. Isn't worth the cost. What a joke.
I wouldn't have such a problem with the lIberals if they did what they say. Last year or the year after Paul Martin said the Liberals would defend traditional marriage. Now they've changed their mind. They're a bunch of "yes" men. They'll tell the media whatever they want to hear and the Eastern Canadians love them. Lie, cheat, and steal seems to be how the left wing works. And don't even get me started on their financial un-responsibility.
What are you're thoughts about all the child abusers and Karla Homolka getting out early. A murderer on the streets after a short time. She's paid her debt to society don't you think. Don't hate the playa hate the game.
I do hate the game. The game will be the down fall of society, unless changes are made.
Hey "this" may be a change for the good. I'm keeping a open mind. Only time wil tell.
Look, there are certain right that are afforded Married couples that are not afforded common law, Inheritance, custody etc. For me personally that is exactly what this is about. By not allowing gays to marry you are saying that they are second class citizens because they get a second class legal definition of their relationship. Not all bad but one below normal. You are totally entitled to you a+b=c opinion, but when it is a law instead of an opinion it is DISCRIMINATORY against people who, by no fault or choice can't add that up and seek the same rights as everyone else. You also wondered where this will end and I often hear from the right the slippery slope argument that Pederasts will be married to 8 year olds or farmers will marry their sheep. The reality is that when there is one party being victimized as in your 24 and 16 year old example ( which in Canada is perfectly legal at 14 if the 14 year old's parents consent) then it will be a crime. It's a lame argument because gay marriage involves two consenting adults. If the religious folks really believe that this is about terminology then why don't they change their name for a religious ceremony, after all religion IS a lifestyle choice. and don't give me any hooey that Christians were here first because homosexuality is MUCH older than Christianity.
My opinion is ALL men are created equal, that's how I was raised...actually it wasn't , I came up with that on my own.
Why did the bloc join the liberals now...because the Quebec electorate overwhelmingly supported the gay marriage bill. With the provincial wing of the party in complete disarray with the resignation of Landry, the Bloc are in a tenuous position with Provincial and probably federal elections looming. They did it because it benefited them. The same reason the NDP supported the liberals, because the liberals threw them a bone.
You know they tried that with the conservatives too with the tax cuts in the budget, but the Harper team is much too "principaled" to get involed with Filthy liberals. Fine, then you get motions to end debate and snap votes. Politics as we play it in a minority government is a game of give and take everyone can win small victories . if the group in power decides to step too far out of line *WHACK* back to the polls. The only reason that we didn't have an election in the spring is because Canadians didn't want one
I like the way the government is set up right now, and I'll bet you a case of beer after the next election things won't change, much. (unless the Gomery Inquiry implicates Martin directly in the scandal, then it's hello conservative minority, goodbye a dozen Molsen Canadian)
The system sucks but not because the majority isn't represented. the Majority has free run of society, they're doin' just fine. You're right that were a government of minority...the minority who are millionaires. I hate the Party system, where MP's can just wave a Red or a Blue book and say "this is what I stand for" . It would be nice if a Candidate actually had to run on his own beliefs and intentions instead of being guarenteed victory because he's wearing Blue in Red Deer or Red in Cape Breton. Party politics makes it to easy to be corrupted, instead of bribing one guy you can just make a donation to the party. It's politics for dummies. "Yabba dabba Liberals did this.." or "Boo Hoo the Conservatives are mean" whatever. liberal media, Conservative media they all run down the others and praise their guys. All sides have good guys and all sides have bad. Both have their greasy scandals ( Mulrony...airbus...)They are ALL hypocrites looking to line they're pockets and the pockets of their friends. the Capitalist media has every body barking at who they perceive to be the bad guy so that you fail to notice they are all bad guys. Except Jack Layton...He's very nice, and thats why he will never ever win an election.
By the Way Clawmonkey Happy Canada Day!
Well we agree how the political parties work. Good or Bad. Everyone has ther own opinion. It's just 'funny' how when the Conservatives had their scandal the party was almost detroyed. Yet , the Liberals will still maintain power after their scandal. Don't you find something wrong with that? But I guess you're opinion is somewhat biased. So you're answer probably is NO. Because it's your side and you have to defend it. If Klein and his goons were found to have a major scandal I would probably still support them, depending on the severity and the circumstances.
You're not understanding. We're not denying gays the right to marry. Just the term marriage. Gay couples can go get a civil union recognized by the governments. They get all the perks that any man and woman marriage gets. It's all about the term. I'm sure homosexuality is older than Christianity or other religions. Then how come the homosexuality community didn't set up a system to recognize their love between two people? Maybe they didn't see it as important. So the Christians and other religious groups set up their own ways to recognize marriage between a man and a woman. Do you think 2 gay east indians could go into a muslim temple and ask for marriage or whatever they refer to it as? They would probably be killed. (Keep in mind I'm not up to speed with my religious lingo. I don't know if muslims have a tempole, it's a guess. I'm sure you have a better idea.)
Anyways that's my point. These are religious ceremonies that our society has adopted. Even though most of us aren't very religious. We still like to use the ceremonies to show our love for each other. The bible does not accept homosexuality. Our Catholics are pretty irate at the moment. So why must we use A religious ceremony? To compromise, I would say that all non-religious couples should have civil unions to display their love for each other. Keep the term marriage for the religious right folks. Would you agree?
Happy Canada Day back atcha. I went to the Canada Day celebrations and fireworks in the city. Plus they also had fireworks to celebrate Canada Day at the football game. It was very patriotic, in a Canadian way. Eh!
Clawmonkey Said.."Gay couples can go get a civil union recognized by the governments. They get all the perks that any man and woman marriage gets."
Thats simply not true
"The most significant difference between marriage and civil unions (or domestic partnerships) is that only marriage offers federal benefits and protections.
According to the federal government's General Accounting Office (GAO), more than 1,100 rights and protections are conferred to U.S. citizens upon marriage. Areas affected include Social Security benefits, veterans' benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave, and immigration law."
That is from a U.S. website but the same is...*oops*... WAS true in Canada. Additionally if a Couple has a Civil Union ONLY the Province that it was done in even recognizes it! Marriage is reconized universally. It is not about terminology. It is about rights and equality.
Let me clarify.
Gay couples CAN get a civil union with all the perks of a marriage. Once the CANADIAN federal government makes the necessary changes to the legislation. I didn't say they DO, I said they CAN.
Let's try to keep this in Canada. I know how pro USA you are. How come you can't find this on a CANADIAN site? You've got to go off country to support your claims. How come you refer to the federal government as Canadian, when that information and site is from the U.S.?
When the necessary changes are made. Civil unions will be equally recognized as marriages, with all the same perks. I guess you are partially right. It is about equality. Civil Unions and Marriages should be equally recognized.
The only difference being the lifestyle.
P.S. I'm missing 1 CAN in my previous statement. It was a typo
Civil Marriage Act
The Government of Canada has tabled the Civil Marriage Act to extend legal capacity to marry for civil purposes to same-sex couples while respecting religious freedom.
The bill is based on the proposed legislation referred to the Supreme Court of Canada in the marriage Reference and includes related consequential amendments to eight other federal statutes to provide equal treatment for same-sex couples to marry civilly and to divorce in Canada.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination. The Parliament of Canada is committed to upholding the Charter and the Constitution.
The Government believes that same-sex couples should have equal access to marriage - anything short of that is less than equal and discriminatory. The Government cannot, and should not, pick and choose whose rights they will defend and whose rights they will ignore. If the fundamental rights of one minority can be denied, so potentially can those of others. This bill will respect and defend the Charter rights of all Canadians.
Courts in eight jurisdictions have recognized that the right to equality without discrimination requires that couples of the same sex have equal access to civil marriage. And thousands of same-sex couples are already legally married.
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms also guarantees freedom of conscience and religion. Nothing in this Bill affects that guarantee and, in particular, the freedom of members of religious groups to hold and declare their religious beliefs and the freedom of officials of religious groups to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs. It is for this reason that the Act speaks only of civil marriage. Religions will continue to make their own decisions about this question.
Many Canadians support legal recognition for same-sex unions, but want to call them something other than marriage, such as civil union. Civil union is a separate institution from civil marriage, does not respect the right of same-sex couples to equality without discrimination and is in breach of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
There you are, all Canadian like!
Very Good.
Thank You!
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