Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Birthday

Today is Alberta's 100 birthday. September 1, 1905 was when Alberta became a province. Although I know very little of the times back then. I do know that when they were thinking of naming this province 'Buffalo' was one of the options. I'm glad they made the right choice. Also today Alberta raised it's minimum wage up to $7.00/hr. A 19% increase from the $5.90 it use to be.
I read two good articles today, one by Licia Corbella and one by Michael Platt, check them out.


schmunky said...

Happy birthday GROW UP!

schmunky said...

HEH HEH just kidding. All the best to the Western Bros. Enjoy the three digit club. Disappointing loss on Labor day dude, thats twice a two point convert has hooped the Stamps. Damn.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

a tough loss. Were still a team learning to win.

Jingo said...

Happy 100 AB, now if we could just learn to hang on to some of our wealth and not spend it like a kid in a candy store that would be great.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

That's a going to be a problem. Everyone's gonna have their hand out looking for a piece of the pie.
mmmm... pie!
I'm hoping for tax cuts, suprise suprise. Whether it's income tax or health care premiums. I don't care.