Friday, October 07, 2005

Ralph you cocksucker

Now I'm not talking about our federal finance minister Ralph Goodale, although I bet there are some poeple who would say he sucks cock. I'm talking about Ralph Klein. It seems now we aren't going to be getting our surplus cheques until the new year. So much for a happy christmas. As one liberal critic says 'Ralph doesn't want to be Santa, instead he wants to be my valentine'. Fucking politicians; you just have to laugh.
On another front, it looks like our Prime Minister, Paul Martin is going to be taking a page out of Ralph Kleins book. Surplus cheques for the less fortunate. I doubt I'll qualify, but it's a good thing. Hopefully after a couple of years, if oil prices stay high, I might get a piece of the federal pie. But I'm not holding my breath.
I question the ammount of cash available. The Liberals said only maybe about $2 billion dollars as a surplus. Is that going to be enough? Take into consideration the Liberals like to pay their friends large ammounts of money for little or no work done. Look at the shenanigans with Mr. Dingwall. He quits his job, but threathens to sue if he doesn't get a severence package. Hello, Canadian law states that anyone who quits his/her job is not eligible for a severence package. So at least $500,000 will go to Mr. Dingwall because he's so hard done by, oh plus his pension. You just have to laugh, I guess. They got the power and they can do what they want.
Welcome to Canada!


schmunky said...

A Few More Facts About "Dinger" Dingwall...

Poor Cash Strapped mr Dingwall was also paid 350,000 by a Bio-Tech firm for sucessfully lobbing the Government for a 17.2 Million dollar Grant from a "Technology Partnership Canada" (TPC)...He is also under investigation for this since the TPC's mandate says not lobbiist are to be paid for grants given...

"Dinger" also ran Public Works from 1993-1996, you know, the Time and Place the Sponsorship scandal was born. In his testimony he claims he was a hands off guy...he let his bureaucrats do their job...

"In 1996, the government wanted to eliminate between 600 and 1,200 jobs at the Devco coal mine in Cape Breton. Regional baron (and health minister) David Dingwall demanded that $60-million be set aside to cushion the blow.

While the government could have flowed these dollars through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), However, Mr. Dingwall wanted to approve projects himself. Moreover, because most of the applications that were flooding in to political staff were devoid of any analysis or rationale, he did not want normal program criteria to apply."

Bottom Line...Dingwall has got the dirt on what went down in Adscam. He'll get a big severence package (or more accuratly Hush Money), Because the Lib's don't want any more suprise whistle blowers coming out of left field. He is an appointment by Cretchien at the mint and he has no loyalty to Martin at all, If he gets squeezed, watch the shit start flowing uphill.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...
