A new study from the University of Calgary confirms Albertans pay out more to the rest of Canada than any other province.
It went back four decades, compared population, average income per person and what has flowed out of the province compared to what has come back.
In the last 40 years, Alberta has pumped about $244 billion more into federal coffers than it has got back.
That compares to $315 billion for Ontario, which has a much larger population and higher net income per person.
B.C. is the only other province to put in more that it got back, contributing $54 billion.
Considering Alberta's population is less than the other two provinces, Alberta pays the most per capita.
Roughly $2,500 a resident every year, over the last 40 years.
The study was compiled by U of C economist, Robert Mansell.
His study took into account transfer payments, taxes, employment insurance and Canada pension payments.
He points out anyone who argues Alberta should pay higher transfer payments isn't considering the entire picture.
Well, there's the facts. Here's the opinion; Isn't it ironic the 2 provinces which seem to vote (provincially) more Tory than Liberal. Are the ones which pay the most to help out the rest of Canada. It's not about the money. We're are glad to give generously. The frustrating thing for Albertans is we pay so much and have very little to say in the grand scheme of things, concerning Canada and how it's run. Ontario, Quebec and Eastern Canada decide how it's going to be. We just decide if we support it or not. It would be nice to have a fair shake, politically. As I've said before on this blog. (posted Friday, June 24th, 2005 -- 'Canada needs reform') We're a minority rules country, and we need electoral reform so that Canadians are properly represented.
On a side note. It seems Quebec's going to separate sooner than expected. There cocaine sniffin leader shall lead them to independence. or shall he?
Sunday, November 20, 2005
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OK I get your message, Alberta Sends out alot of money and doesn't get to control the country. Alberta has the largest surplus of any province? So, you pay a percentage of what you have.
You guys have an 8.9 billion dollar surplus, and you guys get to spend it on whatever your province wants.You seem almost bitter that your rich. Besides, the Liberano's did you guys a big favor this past year by giving NS and NFLD the same deal you guys have for you energy sector( ie we get to keep all of it). This means the Party you like to shit on has ensured that transfer payments will be less, if not none, for two of the most chronic have-not provinces in the Nation. What? and your not going to give them their props?
You anwser your own question in regards to why you don't have more say "Alberta's population is less than the other two provinces" Minority rules? you just said the East has a bigger population than the west, that's MAJORITY rule.
Are you suggesting that perhaps voting power should be tied to income? That doesn't sound very democratic.
Besides, an Alberta based party is the offical opposition in Ottawa with 99 seats, what more do you want? Oh yeah! you want it all.
On another note, I wouldn't hold your breath on the Cons doing well in BC either:
RE: Gap Closing between Federal Liberals and NDP in BC
From: Mustel Group Market Research
Date: November 18, 2005
The most recent Mustel Group poll (taken November 8-14th, 2005) indicates that support for the federal Liberal Party has fallen in BC, from 46% of decided BC voters in our September measure to a current level of 38%. The NDP follows with 33% of decided voters (up from 26%) and the Conservative Party continues to sit in third place with 24% of the vote (no significant change).
I didn't mean to come across as bitter. i don't know where you get that from. But that's not my point. Why did Ns and NFLD get the same deal. because a Tory premier put his fucking foot down and said enough is enough. if it wasn't for him I think you guys would have the same deal. What about the other 'have-not' provinces. Like Sask. They're still getting the shaft. Is NS and NFLD now considered 'have' provinces. I haven't heard that yet. So the transfer payments will continue. Not that that's a bad thing.
As for not haveing much say. Gee, everytime we hear from the eastern media we're protraid as rednecks extremists from Alberta and our ideas are dismissed right away. Yeah, we have lots of say.
As for the minority rules. Again for example; 500,000 Canadians voted for the Green Party. Not one seat they have. Yet. 200,00 maritimers voted for the Liberal party and they got 22 seats. I may be a extremist Tory from Alberta but I know my math. 500,000 is alot more then 200,000. No? Where's the majority?
Yes we out west are good at forming the opposition. Yet with out the east we're done.
Where was I holding my breath for BC? I know they like there left wingers. The Liberal party is like the Tories while the NDp is like the Liberals. They bounce back and forth. With some conservative support in the BC interior.
You seem a little choked. Go drink a Keith's and chill bye.
Some Easterners, mostly from Quebec. Believe Alberta should give more money. My main point was we give enough as it is.
Hey, looks like the east coast is going the way of Alberta. With all the oil opportunities occuring. Your Premiers we're all in Calgary the other day. Wooing Encana and other Oil companies. That's great news. but I hear, from CBC none the less. The maritime provinces always have trouble reaching an agreement. because they constantly compete with one another. I hope they can work things out. i like that Danny Wiliams bye. He's got common sense. Which is hard to come by with politicians.
First off, Newfoundland had a provincial surplus this year for the first time in 30 years, 7 years ahead of schedule.
Nova Scotia brought in it's third straight surplus this year. 14 million, considerably less than 8.9 billion, but pretty good for us. I don't know if that makes us have's yet, but it will definatly affect transfer payments.
Secondly your math is suspect. 500,000 votes across 308 ridings averages out to 1623 votes per riding. 200000 votes across 22 ridings means 9090 votes per riding.That my friend is a majority.
Voting is not a straight numbers game, percentage of population has to be factored.Shit dude the Liberals got 279,000 votes in Alberta, thats 21% of the vote. Yet they won 2 out of 28 seats, thats 0.07% of the seats. It works both ways. As for more seats in Alberta, yeah you probably need a few more, but so does BC and Ontario.
Average Population per riding
1. BC - 108548
2. Ontario - 107642
3. Alberta - 106243
3 seats for Alberta, 4 seats for BC and 8 seats for Ontario would all pull this average down to around Quebec Levels.(around 96,000)
By the way 7 new districts were added in 2004, 3 in Ont. 2 in Ab, and 2 in BC.
Now for the quick comment section.
Keiths? Uggh yuck, make mine Olands
Quebec, fuck 'em.
Why Don't Maritimers trust Westerners? I dunno mabye comments like this on the CBC website;
"I cannot believe the stupidity of this government and the ridiculous Eastern Canadians who are keeping them in power.
When a government takes 60% of your money away in taxes and then uses that money to line their own pockets you would think that most intelligent people would be mad and angry and vote the party out of office.
I guess this is not true for the people of Eastern Canada. It's starting to look more and more attractive for Alberta to separate and let Eastern Canada pay its own bills.
Eastern Canadians can live off the labour of Albertans for a while but it's going to be a shock when we separate and there is no more money left to pay for your welfare cheques.
It seems that all my taxes are going to support Nova Scotian drunks or corrupt Liberal politicians and their friends. Either Alberta separates or I'm moving to the States."
Brian Maxwell
Well Brian, don't let the door hit your ass on the way south.
Knowing that there are 15,000 Newfies working in Fort McMurray Alone,( and their MLA Guy Boutlier,is from N.S.) this kind of ignorance and false sense of entitlement is enough to piss off any Maritimer.
Thank God for Ralph and his cross Canada Bursary Giveaway.
Dude as someone who spent some time in Alberta, I know that most Albertans are good friendly people. However this is not the Image we get. We get " Creeps and Bums" and " Culture of Dependance", and not just from the CBC. Right out of the mouths of Conservative Political leaders.
Yeah you're rght. the more I think clearly about my numbers. the more they don't make sense. Damn monkey!
yeah that Brian Maxwell is an iggnorant savage. but I'm sure there's people in every province with the same attitude towards every province. In some way or the oher.
2 maritime provinces with conservative governments and both manage surplus's. That's a great job. PLus, all the opportunity within the oil sector. It's going to be exciting and busy in the maritimes soon.
i saw this story on CBC newsworld about areas in NFLD and Labrador and how they have to improve/change the way they acquire power. Currently they get it from diesel generators, which is very expensive. They're looking at hydro..... I forget where I was going with this . Anyways. It seesm like there's lot happenig in the maritimes. Is this because of the conservative governments?
Yeah I liked Ralph's Cross country bursary too. Yet, he's getting scrutinized heavily out here for supposedly 'wasting Alberta's tax dollars'. Our media out here is too crazy. I never thought I'd say that. But there going too far right wing. now they're calling Ralph Klein a closet Liberal. crazy.
I'm sure things will slow down out here, once the maritime's picks up and all the easterners move back home to work.
Early prediction for the election: A slim Conservative minority with the NDP as official opposition.
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