Thursday, March 02, 2006

Jimmy's gettin' upset!

Cats in Calgary will soon need to be licensed if city council approves a new bylaw.
But even though the idea is controversial, only a small number of cat owners showed up at City Hall on Wednesday to fight the idea. Because we had to work. Members of a council committee were expecting their meeting to be full of hundreds of cat lovers protesting new rule, but only a handful showed up.
The handful of cat owners that did show up were passionate that their pets shouldn't be licensed. Bill Bruce, the director of the city's Animal & Bylaw Services, says a licensing fee would cut down on the number of cats taken in by animal shelters.
Edmonton has licensed cats for six years, and bylaw officials there say the system is effective.
Under the new bylaw, licensing a spayed cat would cost $15, and unspayed cats would be $30.

This is another poor liberal program to raise taxes. It seems just like the failing gun registry program. The city wants to eliminate strays and cut down the number of cats the city puts down. The solution: lets make the responsible cat owners pay a fee to license their cats. Unfortunately it does nothing for the bad owners who don't care if the cat comes back or abandon it when they move. I think it's not going to be as effective as our council memebrs would like us to believe. Another god damn city bylaw, we're being bylawed to death. More money I'll have to pay. CLAWMONKEY'S GETTIN' UPSET!


schmunky said...

Well Clawmonkey, our society follows the law of the lowest common denomonator. So to control the actions of the callous few who abandon their cats etc. they have to enforce rules on the masses.

I'm a dog owner now so, I admit I don't have a lot of sympathy. We've been licencing dogs forever. On the bright side If jimmy gets lost it will be a lot easier for those who found him to contact you.

Just trying to see the silver lining.

schmunky said...
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Dr.Clawmonkey said...

But, when I got him neutered. The vet put a tattoo "ID" in his ear. Isn't that good enough for identification purposes. I'm sure there's a database with all tattoo id's on it.
What about the amount of people who have cats but can't afford to pay or don't want to. So they just lock their cats out or abandone them. Hence an increase in stray cats. something the city is trying to address with this bylaw.
I can understand dogs. When they get loose. Someone can get hurt, most likely a kid or a smaller dog. When was the last time you heard or a domestic cat getting "loose" and mauling a poor child. Never.
It'll be another in-effective bylaw.