Friday, November 24, 2006


Here's an update on the forecast for the next week in Calgary, Alberta. Today's high of -18 degrees Celsius; Tomorrow high of -20 Celsius. Sunday high of -24. Monday high of -25. Tuesday high of -26. You can see how this is going. And they say there's global warming.
Well right now I have to call bullshit.
It's too late.
Called it.

Also, under the column of "useless facts about Dr.Clawmonkey's blog", is my previous post about Rona Ambrose was post number 69 for my blog. Oh YEAH!



schmunky said...

I hesitate to even comment for fear of having the Weather God's wrath turn on me with a Karmic sack beating.

That being said.

Brrrrr?? Not here. Holy Shit, we had 1 day where it was -1 in the morning. That's it. It's been warm longer than is normal here. we should have seen at least flurries by now. Nada.


Dr.Clawmonkey said...

yeah I know.
we're in the deep freeze and Toronto's in the low teens.
And it snowed in Vancouver and Victoria. Which really fucked them up. Victoria has 2 snow plows.

Be careful As I think this cold is going to continue moving east.

although the forecast for this Sunday is howing a high of plus 11. She's going to get real sloppy.

schmunky said...

Sorry Man, I'm Practicing my Tags on your comment section...

And Now! A Link, an Annoying link, but a link none the less.

Stoopid Badger

If it works we'll all be millionaires