Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's funny cause it's true

This absolutely kills me. It's the double standard in Canadian politics. That's the solution to implementing Ralph Klein's third way. Just change our name to Quebec. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


schmunky said...

Yeah, it kills me too.
Ignorance always kills me.

Quebec is not preparing to violate the Canadian health act.

Alberta is.

That has GOT to be from the sun.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Yes, the cartoon is from the sun. The accompanied article, which I didn't include, was from a writer in Winnipeg actually.
Basically saying everyone's up in arms over Klein's proposed 'third' way. Yet nobody's making a stink over the fact it's legal in Quebec to purchase private health care insurance. Which is a point in Klein's 'third' way proposal. So if it's acceptable in Quebec, why isn't it acceptable in Alberta? it's a rheotrical question.

schmunky said...

Here's why this cartoon makes me sad.

1. It's trying to make a wry comment but obviously isn't familar with the subject matter. Ralph's third way allows doctors to be in both private and public service. This is a violation of the Canadian health act. Quebec, and BC are exploring very similar veins except they will force doctors to opt out of the public system to enter private practice.
Thus, not violating the Canadian health act. Ralph is implimenting his changes and flaunting the law, Quebec and BC are not.

2. British Columbia and Quebec both are looking at privatization in a similar way. So why doesn't the sign say BC instead of Quebec? because that not what Calgary Sun readers will laugh at. The joke is a slur on Quebec and the rest of Canada that we have a double standard. I have already explained the difference between the third way and Quebec's plan. So the fact that there is a major difference between the plans is ignored to play up to the "Western Alienation" theme that is so popular out there. Quebec are free-loading whiners, Eastern Canada sucks up to them, and everybody hates Alberta because there just so sucessful and innovative.
It's Shit like this that perpetuates the Albertan + Redneck stereotype.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Klein isn't implementing anything yet. Isn't BC just starting to look at private health care. I heard their premier was over in europe looking at how a private and a public system's operate. Or have they been looking to implement different ideas already.

So, as long as doctor's are forced to opt out of the public system to enter private. Alberta's OK. Seems easy enough. That was only 1 point in Ralph's 10 point plan.

I don't think Quebecers are free loading whiners. We just feel they shouldn't get special status because of their french background. We don't hear New Brunswick asking for special status. Even though they're the only truely bilingual province in this bilingual country.

We don't think eastern canada sucks up to Quebec. but I do think they suck up to Ottawa to an extent. But, that's only because the fishing industry isn't what it use to be. And the people are set in their ways, not willing to try different things. Or talk about different ideas. It's all about the fish bye.

It's funny cause a couple of weeks ago at work, we were talking about Quebec's referendum's. Singer was saying the mood in the maritimes, during that time, was of concern. Fearing the maritimes would be cut off from the rest of Canada if Quebec decided to split. So if that means you guys are sucking up the Quebec. i guess it's true, to a point.

Does the rest of Canada hate Alberta? I wouldn't know. But it seems like the rest of Canada always has an opinion of what Alberta should do. Isn't health care run by the provinces? And every province should be able to do what it's people want. So why does eevryone care what Alberta's doing? and why aren't they more concerned with what their own province is doing? Is it because we try different things? perhaps we're more open to new ideas?

I know a possible problem for some Albertans was when we had that 1 case of mad cow. People across the country we're asking for Canadian beef, as long as it wasn't from Alberta. I know that definately ruffled a few feathers. As I'm sure it would if the rest of Canada asked for Atlantic lobsters, as long as they aren't from Nova Scotia. Of course it doen't make sense, as the water is the same and the land is the same. Everything always seems to boil down to politics, unfortunately.

schmunky said...

Well it sure didn't fill people with confidence when Klein's solution to the mad cow problem was "shoot shovel and shut up."

My first post said " Quebec is not PREPARING to violate the Canadian Health act" I never said any thing was being implemented, in any of the provinces. But Ralphie is the only only one who has announced his INTENTION to violate the CHA.

Yes it is true that Atlantic Canada is very concerned with Quebec leaving Canada. Unlike Alberta or Ontario, we are geographically connected to the rest of the country by Quebec. If they secede, we are fucked. It is in our best interest to keep Quebec in Canada. Of that there is no doubt.

Dude, Canada doen NOT hate Alberta, there may be some oil envy, and many people feel that you get to do things because of your financial strength that the poorer places ( like us ) could never dream of doing. But NS and NFLD look to Alberta as what they aspire to be. As provinces that are beginning to be energy producers we want and need Alberta as an advisor and example. Geez man we Maritimers emigrate to Alberta alot. We probably wouldn't move somewhere we hate. In the other direction, I may get a job and stay in the Maritimes because of Alberta. Crape Geomatics, a Calgary based Geomatics company, is opening a Halifax Cartographic office. The reason is COGS is the only place in Canada that turns out Carto Students. Crape Hires almost exclusivly from COGS. They do not want to uproot people to Calgary when they could have Happy employees at home where their families are. ( seriously, that's what the lady in the interview told me.) However most of our work will be done for Alberta, it's kind of National outsourcing ( I don't doubt for a second that the wages in Calgary and wages in Halifax were not a factor in their decision.)

People who are against the privatization of Health care do not want the rich to get special treatment over the poor. at a provincial level, Alberta is using it's power to do something that we could never do. i.e. it is getting autonomy because of it's financial clout. That is why people are concerned. If you guys violate the CHA, BC and Quebec will be next...
(there's another reason the cartoon is stupid, pro-privatization forces in Quebec are wildly cheering Ralph Klein.)
The opposition is coming from anti-privatization groups ( which the cartoon calls 'Canada') which are actually led by an Albertan group called "Friends of Medicare".

If you don't think Albertans see quebec as chimps, picture the cartoon with British Columbia as the butt of the joke. It just doesn't work.
I see this cartoon as a part of a long standing program of painting the Corporate Profiteers as ordinary Albertans standing up for their province. Right wing media have long been apologists for Capitolist culture. They want the average albertan to see Friends of medicare et al as outside forces, threating their way of life. It is a pathetic attempt to redefine the debate as us vs. them (them being Ottawa and Quebec) when the debate is actually between Corporate lobbys, who have Klein in their pocket, who wish to cash in on health care, and Public Health care workers who do not want to see their careers become McJobs. I think you know where I stand on this issue.