Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What's the problem, eh?

I was just flipping the channels when I came across CNN. What caught my eye was on the ticker there was this title "WHAT'S THE PROBLEM, EH?". The reporter was Kittie Pilgrim, if I can remember, she was reporting on the strained trade relations between Canada and the US. Her story mentioned the softwood lumber dispute. She was suprised that Canada was putting up such a fuss over only 4% of all the trade between the 2 countries. She also went on to say how our Prime Minister was grand standing at the WTO, the World Trade Organization, and the WTO decided in the USA favour. Yet we hear that the WTO decided in Canada's favour. Somebody's lieing here, can someone straighten this out?

P.S. it was funny watching CNN talk about Canada in the fashion it did. It seemed like they think we're the slow neighbour that, just doesn't get it.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Bad Idea

The City of Calgary has a plan to change over half of the city's 4-way stops. To, what they like to call, round-about driving circles. This is to help reduce the residential speeding which seems to be happening in the neighbourhoods, esspecially the rich ones. What they're doing is just putting big concrete circles in the middle of the intersection. Taking out the stop signs and adding yield signs.
This is just a bad idea. I'm glad they took out the stop signs. I don't have to come to a complete stop anymore. I just slow down, ie. yield, and then proceed when it's safe. Which is almost all the time. So I don't know how this will help solve the problem. It's not even a proper driving circle. Which is usefull when it's used at the right place. This is just a band-aid solution from our City officials.

Monday, October 10, 2005

We're Badass Mother Fuckers

After reading Bill Kauffman's article, Journey of terror, It kinda suprises me that Canada is involved in something like this. But we can justify it because it's supported by the United Nations. It's no wonder we get painted as "Americans" on the global scene, in some places.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Ralph you cocksucker

Now I'm not talking about our federal finance minister Ralph Goodale, although I bet there are some poeple who would say he sucks cock. I'm talking about Ralph Klein. It seems now we aren't going to be getting our surplus cheques until the new year. So much for a happy christmas. As one liberal critic says 'Ralph doesn't want to be Santa, instead he wants to be my valentine'. Fucking politicians; you just have to laugh.
On another front, it looks like our Prime Minister, Paul Martin is going to be taking a page out of Ralph Kleins book. Surplus cheques for the less fortunate. I doubt I'll qualify, but it's a good thing. Hopefully after a couple of years, if oil prices stay high, I might get a piece of the federal pie. But I'm not holding my breath.
I question the ammount of cash available. The Liberals said only maybe about $2 billion dollars as a surplus. Is that going to be enough? Take into consideration the Liberals like to pay their friends large ammounts of money for little or no work done. Look at the shenanigans with Mr. Dingwall. He quits his job, but threathens to sue if he doesn't get a severence package. Hello, Canadian law states that anyone who quits his/her job is not eligible for a severence package. So at least $500,000 will go to Mr. Dingwall because he's so hard done by, oh plus his pension. You just have to laugh, I guess. They got the power and they can do what they want.
Welcome to Canada!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Audioslave Rocks!

On Sunday October 2nd, 2005 I, accompanied by Mike Donat, went to see Audioslave perform at the Saddledome. What a concert it was. It fuckin rocked from start to finish. Chris Cornell didn't miss a beat and Tom Morello is a fuckin genius. The way he makes his guitars sing is incredible. It was Audioslave's first ever visit to Calgary, but I'm sure they'll be back soon.
Opening for Audioslave was first, a new band called '30 seconds to mars', they sucked. Then 'Seether' made an appearance. But I wasn't impressed with them. Sure they have a couple songs which I know. But they sound too much live a Nirvana rip off. Come on Audioslave.
Audioslave consists of; Chris Cornell on vocals; Tim Commerford on bass; Brad Wilk on drums; and Tom Morello on guitars. Chris Cornell was previously the singer on "Soundgarden" and the other three played in "Rage Against The Machine".
Once Audioslave hit the stage the crowd came alive. With the crowd already pumpin', Audioslave put the crowd into 6th gear when they played 'BE YOURSELF'. The mosh pit was crazy, it wasn't the worst I've seen, but it was a good one. Also, the Calgary fans made a serious connection with Chris Cornell during 'LIKE A STONE'. In which the fans started drowning out the lead singer. The crowd was singing so loud, Cornell actually paused and pumped his fist in the air. Which made the fans scream louder. From that point on, we were pawns to Audioslave's and Chris Cornell's hypnotic melodies.
In Addition they also played Spoonman and an acoustic Black Hole Sun, from Soundgarden. Plus, they played Testify, and at least 3 other songs from Rage Against the Machine. (damn monkey) "fuck you i won't do what you told me..." was one of them. It didn't sound bad at all, even with Cornell singing it.
I must also say that Tom Morello is a god. He's not "the" god, but a god. He was simply unbelievable. I would pay just to watch him alone. He's also a Flames fan; which is a bonus. So go out and buy Audioslave's new album-- OUT OF EXILE. It rocks!