Monday, October 24, 2005

Bad Idea

The City of Calgary has a plan to change over half of the city's 4-way stops. To, what they like to call, round-about driving circles. This is to help reduce the residential speeding which seems to be happening in the neighbourhoods, esspecially the rich ones. What they're doing is just putting big concrete circles in the middle of the intersection. Taking out the stop signs and adding yield signs.
This is just a bad idea. I'm glad they took out the stop signs. I don't have to come to a complete stop anymore. I just slow down, ie. yield, and then proceed when it's safe. Which is almost all the time. So I don't know how this will help solve the problem. It's not even a proper driving circle. Which is usefull when it's used at the right place. This is just a band-aid solution from our City officials.


Jingo said...

Not only that but some of the younger drivers may just treat the roads like a rally cicuit now and see who can complete their 'lap' the fastest.

schmunky said...

Man, you think you guy's got road problems...