Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I now pronounce you husband and husband?... I guess so!

Well it's official, gay marriage is now a "legal" option in Canada. Becoming only the third country in the World to do so. Following the Netherlands and Belgium. I believe it was only a matter of time for Canada, as Great Britain is looking to do the same. The Progressive Conservatives in Alberta, (a province in Canada) don't agree with this decision. They are looking at getting rid of Provincial marriage all together and just recognizing civil unions between two people. If that does happen and you want to get "married" you'll have to go through a church.
Now I don't have anything against gays. I believe everyone should be free to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own home. As long as it doesn't affect anyone else without their consent. I just don't understand gay men. Lesbians? I would like to think I'm a lesbian as most guys do. However, how can any man look at a guy's hairy ass and get all excited and turned on. It boggles my mind. I would think they are mentally disturbed or mentally sick. But saying that I'm probably instantly labelled 'homophobic' or 'bigot'. Which I don't think I am. So I'm left confused.
Anyway; the World is changing and Canada must change with it. This bill or law will stay until the federal Conservatives get in power. Which they say they will have a full discussion about this issue instead of pushing it through Parliament with slimy tactics like the Liberals have done. But being as this is Canada that probably won't happen anytime in the near future. The religious right believes once we open the door to gay marriage then were opening up a whole new can of worms. Just think of the other groups that are going to find a way to get married. What about under age marriage? Say a 24 year old wants to marry a 16 year old. Are we to stop them because one's under 18? Doesn't that human being have a right to marry who ever he/she wants. If they're in love; who are we to stand in their way. The Bill of Rights gives rights to all Canadians young and old.
I would like to see a referendum on this issue for all Canadians to vote on. Simply because in a previous blog I had mentioned how Canadians aren't being properly represented in Parliament. Also, it's our society and we should decide as a majority, if we want this. I personally believe in gay unions; not gay marriage. I believe the term "marriage" should be reserved for a man and a woman. You got to think of the children.
What are your thoughts or comments? let me know

Stay tuned there are more posts coming!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Canada needs reform

I'm not talking about the Reform Party. I'm talking about electoral reform. We are becoming a MINORITY rules country. When we should be a MAJORITY rules country. Isn't that what democracy is all about. Now That doesn't mean we shouldn't listen to the minority, they have alot to say. However the needs of the many should outweigh the needs of the few. A prime example of this problem goes back to the last Canadian election. 500,000 Canadians voted for the Green Party, yet they got 0 seats in the house. Where as; 200,000+ Canadians in the maritimes voted for the Liberal Party and they received 22 seats in the house. So the real question should be; Are Canadians being fairly represented in the House of Commons? The answer is no.
Another thing Canadians need is an elected senate. The Prime Minister should not appoint the Senators. Each Province should vote for their Senators, to properly represent their province and their ideals. Instead our Prime Minister appoints his friends to tow the party line. Again, another example of how Canadians aren't being represented.
Will Canada ever change? ...maybe, but the way our socialists control the country it will be a long time before that happens. By the time the USA changes, if ever, Canada will follow suit. The socialists have such a tight grip on the political scene right now. It's going to take along time before anything happens. They're very good at controlling the media, well our National media is already left-wing bias, so it's very easy to do.
The fear propaganda that our socialists spew is exactly what the Republicans to our south use. It's too bad our Eastern Canadians fall for this. It's quite funny when you think about it. The Left wing/socialists will bitch and complain how the Republicans confuse and use scare tactics to win an election, but applaud it when it serves their own purpose. Unfortunately it makes our country look like a joke. On the global scene, most people think Canadians are just like the Americans. We say we aren't, but we are more like them than you'd think.
Let's hope we can fix this country before it's too late. If the proper steps aren't taken, eventually Quebec will seperate and Alberta could very well follow. Then Canada will be a shell of it's former self. What am I thinking, Canada won't exist. Just lots of mini countries. Some provinces will combine. I'm sure the maritimes will stick together. Only time will tell.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

You're gonna read what I've typed and GOD DAMN LIKE IT TOO!

You know; I haven't made a post in some time and there's not really anything I want to spew about. So I'm just gonna shoot from the hip. I was first a little skeptical of this 'blog' thing. Not sure how much I'd use it or if I'd really enjoy it. But now I realize that this is a great thing. I can type anything coherant and someone might actually read word for word what I'm thinking. Like you're doing now. It's a great tool.

On a side note, Calgary's under a water restriction phase right now. Many low lying places in the city have flooded basements. The Elbow river has broken it's banks and the Bow river is at a record high. My dad works for the Calgary Fire Department and he says the really rich people with the million dollar houses are the hardest to deal with. Their basement is flooded and they're looking to sue someone or the city. While the regular folks who's basements are flooded, are more understanding and appreciate the help more. God Damn Rich Bastards.

So in closing I would just like to state that I 'enjoy this blog thing, it's fun'. Check out Meth is Bad if you haven't. He's Insane in the Membrane. Don't do chemicals kids, or that could be you.

Thank You

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Back on June 2, 2005. I came home, only to see my cat had ripped open an absess; which was inside his ear. The side of his head was bloody. It was very disgusting. So I grabbed him and off we headed to the cat hospital. The vet immediately took him and got him ready for surgery the next day.
June 3, 2005. The vet calls me at work. She tells me Jimmy had a successful surgery and would be ready to pick up later in the afternoon. After a $311.00 bill, Jimmy's got a cone on his head, a drain in his ear and he's a little groggy. I had to bring him back in 4 days to have his drain taken out and 10 days to get his sutures out. As well, he has these pills to take. Clavamox, almost like Clawmonkey, but not.
The next 4 days he spends his days trying to get out and just sitting there waiting til it's over. On June 6,2005 he's headed back to the vet. He always hate's the ride in the truck. The drain is removed and he gets some ointment in his wounds. He's feeling better but still hates his cone. 1 week to go.
He spends that week; just lying around, trying to scratch through the cone. He's extremely depressed. Finally, after all the drugs, the wait is over. On June 13, 2005 he got his sutures removed and his cone off his head. He spent the rest of the night outside and only came in for fifteen minutes to eat.
Nobody's quite sure how it happened. I would guess it's because he's an explorer and will stand his ground. If it's a fight they want, Jimmy will take them on. He won't go looking for it. But he won't back down either. So put the word out.
...he's a second hand hood, deals outta Hollywood...

Friday, June 10, 2005

Finally! We're coming to our senses

The Supreme Court of Canada decided yesterday, Quebec citizens could purchase private health insurance. Thus, striking down a law prohibiting Quebecers from such things. They say 'the government's "monopolistic" grip over the system, as patients suffer and die on long waiting lists, is unconsitutional. " The physical and psychological suffering and risk of death that may result outweigh whatever benefit there may be to the system as a whole."
This should be our main goal regarding health care across Canada. Why should it matter where you get medical attention? Only that you get medical attention quickly. My proposal would be to have these private medical centres do the necessary operations and all expenses would be paid for by the province. Who cares if your paying a government building or a private one? As long as Canadians get the service they need. Were talking life and death here, and a lot of pain and suffering. Which isn't necessary.
All medical expenses would be paid for. Except for prescribed medication. Which will be picked up by the Federal Governments Pharmacare program. Another benefit, would bring great doctor's to our area. Now some people don't like the thought of doctor's benefitting from their services. But it's the world we live in. I'd much rather see doctor's make millions, then some stooge playing a sport.
There already are private medical clinics in most provinces. Doing specific areas like eyes, knees, and backs. There's probably even more that I don't know about. Some people are worried about a two-tiered health system. Wake up people, it's already hear. Now we have to make it work. Our current Prime Minister, Paul Martin. His personal doctor owns a private for profit medical clinic in Quebec. He says "We're not going to have a two-tier health-care system in this country- nobody wants that." Only him I guess. What a hypocrit.
Let me know what you Think?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

I like'em nice and wet, but she's a gushin'

In June 2005 it rained almost continuously for 7 straight days in southern Alberta, flooding many areas. Hardest hit was High River and Pincher Creek, but devastation to many farmers happened everywhere. Almost 10 years to the day the same areas were flooded from a similar storm. Causing $100 million in damage. I'd bet our May long weekend campground; crooked creek campground; would be flooded in areas. Well, my area anyway. It's stopped rainning currently. But more rain is forecast in the future. Between 100mm and 170mm fell in 4 days in the hardest hit areas.
Medicine hat is also on a flood warning. The Bow and Oldman rivers form the South Saskatchewan river before reaching the Hat. Emergency Medical Services estimate the speed of the rivers to reach 600 cubic feet per second. Plus, there has been several funnel clouds spotted and even one touched down for a brief time. The system is currently heading East.
I must say it is nice to have something different happen in the news. The day to day drive bye's; asians killing asians, is getting quite repetitious and boring. Even better no one has died.