Monday, February 27, 2006

Goofball Of The Month: Stephen Harper

This month's goofball is none other then Canada's new Prime Minister Stephen Harper. For his goof when he, and his government, were sworn in on February 6th, 2006. First, he gets liberal David Emerson to cross the floor to become a conservative. Of which Emerson's given a nice cabinet position for his troubles. Second, he "appoints" Michael Fortier to his cabinet. Even though Mr. Fortier didn't run in the last election. Plus he also selected some controversial MP's to several cabinet positions.
When the Liberals did something like this, ie. Belinda Stronach. The tories were up in arms complaining. I can't remeber what Stevie's reaction was, but his party was upset. Now he goes ahead and pulls these same shenanigans and not too much was said. Although there were a handful of tories which were fuming about Stevie's choices. The majority of them were biting their tongues, putting faith into Stephen Harper and his choices. How long that lasts, only time will tell.
Take a bow Stephen. You're the goofball of the month for February 2006!


schmunky said...


What can I say, I am suprised at your choice as you had convinced me for the most part to give him a chance to operate in Parliment before jumping on him.
True I have pointed out that the Emerson appointment is a tad hypocritical. However like I have said many times I really do not see a huge difference between the Conservatives and the Liberals, outside of Social Policy. The Reform/Conservative/Alliance group has had a history of saying one thing during a campaign and doing the other ( Preston Manning would never live in Stornaway...the Conservatives would never support the Bloc...) and the bloody Liberals history of doing that is way too long to list here.
Harper, as I have said here and at "giant robotic monkey" I believe was transparently insincere during the last campaign. He hid his true ideals and beliefs from the electorate in an attempt to appear moderate, which he has never been up until he lost the election in 2004, and decided he needed a new image.
However if you were really convinced by Harper and Co.'s election promises that it would not be buisness as usual in Ottawa when they took power I can see why you are not happy with Him. For myself, I am not suprised or shocked as the say-one-thing-do-another buisness is par for the course throughout the history of the two parties that have ruled Canada for the last century.

However, I commend you for being balanced in your assesment and seeing the double standard at work here.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

yeah it was a tough decision. I actually was thinking cheney. But I'd rather have it involve Canada. PLus, It would always be either cheney of bush for goofball of the month if i used americans.

schmunky said...

Dude, If were using Americans they would sweep every catagory. My Nomination would be Harry Whittington, the guy Cheney shot. What kind of a moron do you have to be to apologize to the guy who shot you in the face?

" Uhhh, yeah dick, sorry about putting my face in front of your shotgun...must have been the booze."

But you's your like the liberals I will form a shadow goofball cabinet. Once a week I will nominate a goofball for you to ponder as the Month procedes.

So my Shadow Nomination for the week of Feb 27 - March 5 is....

Ralph Klein.

EDMONTON (CP) - Premier Ralph Klein has apologized for throwing a booklet at a page in the legislature during an emotional debate Wednesday over Alberta's health care reforms.

The 17-year-old page had delivered a soft-covered, 80-page booklet of Liberal policy proposals to Klein's desk in the assembly, when he grabbed it and tossed it at her.

The premier was heard to say, "I don't need this crap," referring to the booklet that was sent to him by the opposition as they fired pointed questions over the Third Way health reforms.

The premier said he was simply frustrated over health care, but Liberal Leader Kevin Taft described the incident as "appalling" and said it shows the premier is "out of control."

that's just Goofy.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

That's our Ralphie boy. The joke out here is soon it'll be like the taiwanese government. where they're pounding each other in the assembly area.

schmunky said...

From the East comes a new contender

Nova Scotia's Liberal leader, Francis MacKenzie,no relation, said the Department of Finance's decision to convert more than $600 million of the province's debt from US funds to Canadian currency in 2000 and 2001 has been a costly mistake.

With the strengthening Canadian dollar, the province has lost millions, he said.

"They were in the money for a bit, but right now they're out of the money $350 million and it's growing. And I say at what point does someone stand up and say we may have a very serious problem here."

MacKenzie said the better move would have been to buy American dollars.

Finance Minister Michael Baker finds one major flaw with MacKenzie's fix.

"Staff could not have legally made those trades and purchased US currency, for example, without violating the law," Baker said, citing the Provincial Finance Act.

That law was passed by a previous Liberal government to prevent the kind of trading MacKenzie is advocating.

But the Liberal leader is sticking to his position. He said his advice comes from a "qualified individual" experienced in currency swaps, who he refuses to name.


"The provincial Liberals have a credibility problem, and their leader Francis MacKenzie didn't help matters last Friday when he went, well, postal.

After Premier Rodney MacDonald and the new Tory cabinet were sworn in, MacKenzie declared he wasn't interested in sitting down for a chat with the new premier. When reporters pressed him on how he intends to learn what MacDonald's plans are, his bravado turned ridiculous.

"There's a technique called Canada Post," he huffed. "I'm happy to receive his letters and review them."

Journalists are used to hearing politicians say stupid things, but that one was a doozy. After MacKenzie left the room, reporters shared a laugh at his expense.

The general consensus was: this guy's getting even crazier."