Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New Governor General

Well, Adrienne Clarkson's reign as Governor General came to an end the other day. With our Prime Minister appointing Michelle Jean (I don't think I spelled it right). Now I don't really understand the purpose of this position and I hate how they spend our hard earned tax dollars on everything. But, it's Canada and we seem to do some things ass backwards. One interesting point I can't overlook is; 3 of the last 4 Governor Generals have been chosen from broadcasters. My concern is a free press is one of the cornerstones of democracy. How can the press be free when it's members are rewarded for their loyalty with political patronage appointments?


schmunky said...

Forget the CBC, forget she's Black, She was chosen because she's French.Why? Need you ask, to win back support in Quebec for a flailing federal Liberal Party. End of Story.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Well of course. Just like the senators. Although he did appoint a couple conservatives. Do you agree that senators should be elected instead of appointed.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Also, I was pointing out that CBC is Liberal bias. Gee, I wonder why? SO it would be fair to say that the CBC is just like FOX news in USA. A Canadian version.

schmunky said...

I disagree with you that the CBC has a liberal (party) bias, There's no love for the Conservatives there, but they do have several Conservative Heavy shows, O'Rielly on advertising, Tapestry, and Sunday report on the radio , come to mind. CBC is socialist...very NDP friendly. CBC workers are all union. NDP are all strong unionists.
The difference between FOX is that fox are outright liars. They actually went to court to establish the right of media to lie without penalty. Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes at fox activly purged all liberal leaning persons from the network. Also CNN, ABC, MSNBC, and NPR in the states are all heavy pro-republican. there is no alternative media. Which ensures that the lies on Fox go unchallenged.
In Canada if you don't like the pro-socialist banter on CBC...Go to Global, who are super pro-conservative...or CTV (bell) who are pro-liberal. CBC are tax-supported which is integral...all the other stations are owned by corperate interests ( Bell, or CanWest). I relish the CBC because it is commerical free and thus can say what they want without fear of influence from their sponsors.
I'm not a big fan of the whole Gov. General post...Pretty expensive for what seems to me to be a figurehead position with no real relavance. So if it's usless...I would like to see it done away with. ( i feel the same about the senate). However it's one of the spoils of power.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Wow, I find Global and CTV opposite of what you say. I think Global is more left leaning, while CTV leans more to the right. Although I do find CTV flip flops on both sides.
I wasn't referring to the programming on CBC. I was talking about the news and how they report it to the citizens. You said it yourself; CBC is socialist... very NDP friendly. They're workers are unionized. So wouldn't their be pressure from the unions to report news in a socialist/union friendly manner. The door swings both ways.
You didn't mention CBS so I would imagine they're left leaning.

schmunky said...

CBS are fairly centerist, but the Dan Rather / Bush National Guard scandal has smeared with a liberal tint. Global's chief of News is now running for the Conservative Party in Ontario. Gary, If you can't tell that Global is Rightward, your view has been skewed by that Damn Calgary Sun. On the Election last year Global was projecting the Election as a Conservative minority until the BC returns came in. Watch Global Sunday, Anne Coultre is a regular guest. CTV is pretty swingy, I think Lloyd Robertson is a liberal but the two guys from question period are old Tory.
However your theory that CBC and Fox are similar I have to disagree with. CBC is left leaning...but so is Canada dude...Put the Left Parties together and the vote goes something like 71% for liberal, Bloc, and NDP and 29% ( on a good day) for the Cons. CBC as a public broadcaster is charged with presenting what reflects Canada. Now I am not a big CBC tv viewer but I'll tell ya CBC Radio ( the only radio I listen to here because the other stations SUCK) is pretty much par for the course (70-30)but they report the news...they don't make it up to fit their message...unlike..

FOX is 100% BUSH. There are no dissenting views at all in a country that was split 51%-49%. Fox slander, infer, and outright lie to get their point across. What they have been doing to that mother protesting outside Bush's ranch is disgusting. ( Last night on FOX their lead story was that her husband is filing for divorce, and then a opinion guy called her a " Nut-Job").

schmunky said...

Some reading on the Golbal vs. CBC fight,



And try out CBCWatch.com for the Canwest anti-CBC blog. Do CBC have an anti Golbal blog? of course not.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

Dude, i read your first response. It's very much like your second. You're repeating yourself,
you're repeating yourself.
you support you side very good. YES, I realize CBC is nothing like fox news.
I've never watched FOX news or any of it's sites. I don't really care about what the US is doing. I watch Canadian news. occasionally CNN and CBC newsworld for international news.
Of course Canada's left-wing. There's no denying that.
I find Global left-wing because they always are doing some stupid story about someone's garden or how someone is so hard done by. A lot like the CBC news. I find. Perhaps it's different in Halifax. It's just my opinion.
I guess the percentages of your poll depend on where they do there polling.
Yes Global was predicting a conservative minority. But, wasn't all the other news channels as well.
CBC's workers are on strike/lockout, which ever it is. So now the news people are upset because CBC wants to hire independent workers. Now, I'm no expert. But wouldn't you think the news people would be more pro socialist, instead of centrist. Esspecially if CBC sticks to it's guns. And that would reflect how they report the news. maybe? some slight chance these CANADIANS put some opinion into these stories. They're only human.
When did I ever say CBC made up stories?

WHo the fuck is this other guy and what is he saying? I didn't take the time to read all of it.

schmunky said...

Repitition makes you remember
Repitition makes you remember

uh...Scroll up dude.
"Also, I was pointing out that CBC is Liberal bias. Gee, I wonder why? SO it would be fair to say that the CBC is just like FOX news in USA. A Canadian version."

Since Fox makes up their own news, you imply CBC does. I wanted to clarify that FOX and CBC are polar opposites, not similar.
News reports always will have a taint. In a world of 30 second news blurbs it's often what is not reported that gives it a taint. For example...after a recent stats can study they found that violent crime in Canada Dropped marginally despite a higher murder rate,http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/050721/d050721a.htm
this is how our two media outlets handled it.


The headlines say it all, CANwest, takes this angle from the first words. "MURDER! your not safe! they are coming to kill you! Gun Registry doesn't work! Liberals soft on crime!" after the first passage they mention that overall crime is down.
CBC goes the other way "Crime is Down" it's all good, gun control works. Relax guy!
Same source, and all the facts are represented, but Global plays on fear and CBC takes a much less alarmist approach. However when George W. was in town the roles reversed, CBC played up the protest angle while Global treated it like a royal visit. The point is All media is biased, Corperate media is not going to bite the hand that feeds it, it will always reflect the interests of the elite. CBC as a public media outlet has no such constraints, and thus when held up to the Stooge networks it will definatly seem anti-establishment. You seem to think this is a bad thing, that CBC should be more centerist? Why, A varity of views is good for the populace, it actually allows them to decide for themselves instead of being told over and over again the same point of view

Repitition breeds compliance
Repitition breeds compliance

That other dude is spamming you dude, it's a fucking commercial, and a commercial for a security contractor.

Dr.Clawmonkey said...

I wasn't aware that Fox makes up stories. I never watch it. I was comparing FOX news to CBC, purely because they're both pro-current government. When they should be more centrist. I think CBC should be more centrist. But I don't find it that way.
Yes you are right Global does play on fear, However out here they are the only ones that do really indepth stories about the gay community. Unlike the other stations which do not.